
How to Fuel for Long Runs

Ever wonder how you can make through a long run? Are you wondering what types of fuel to try? Figuring out how often you need to fuel and what to use can be tricky. Below I have shared a few tips, and things I like to use for running fuel.

How Much Fuel You Need

If you are looking to achieve optimal performance during your race, it is recommended to consume 30-60 gm of carbohydrate every 60 minutes. Figuring out what works best for you takes a little trial and error. I would suggest that as you move through your training you keep a journal. Write down after each run, what worked well for you or what did not work. This way you will have a solid plan for race day to help you hit that PR.

Where Do You Put All It?

Where are you running? Are you running close to home that you could return home to fuel and hydrate? Is running close to home not an option? Are you going to be running further away that you would need to carry something with you? How long is your run?

Lady standing
Ready to Race!

If I am running close to home, I will have gels and water set out on my porch or kitchen table ready to go so I can run in grab it and go. If I am on a long run in which I won’t be returning to my house every 3-4 miles, I carry my hydration pack. It is perfect for carrying water, Skratch, gels, waffles and one of my new favorites, which I will get to in a minute. I have a Nathan Vaporairess hydration backpack that can fit just about anything I need in it.

The best part is it can carry a lot of water, and still has room for a small bottle that I like to carry a hydration drink in. I like to carry in my small bottle Skratch electrolyte drink mix.

How to Pick a Product That’s Right for You

I prefer energy gels over other types of fuels. Having tried chews and sport beans, I have found the they tend to be very hard to chew while running. There is many a runner that prefers energy chews, so give them a try to see what works best for you.

A gel you can easily swallow, drink some water and you are off again quickly. Most importantly they give me a hit of energy quicker. But again, this is something that I would recommend that you trial to see what is best for you.

I have been using Honey Stinger for several years. This year I was selected to be a Hive Ambassador. I love their products. I have tried many other gels that left me feeling fatigued much quicker, and just did not give me that sustained energy that I get from Honey Stinger Gels. My favorite gel is the Caffeinated Energy Gels Chocolate! I highly suggest giving it at try.

Other Products

What else do I like to take with me? I love Honey Stinger Waffles. If I am out on a longer trail run, and I am starting feel tired or hungry I will eat a waffle. I particularly enjoy the Gluten-Free Waffles Salted Caramel. In addition to energy gels, I used the waffles to fuel during the Rocky Raccoon 50 K. My new favorite is the Organic Cracker Bars™Almond Butter Dark Chocolate. I typically use the waffles and the cracker bars only for long trail runs or as an after run recovery treat.

Trail Runs and Ultra’s

Trail runs are more physically demanding then road running, and I tend to need more fuel. If you are planning to run an ultra, I would highly suggest you learn to eat some real food during your runs. The aid stations at an ultra will have various types of fuel such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pretzels, pickles, candy, gels and other options. Look at the race website to see what they typically stock at the aide station. Try to add a particular food in on a training run. After running that long, you will want and need to eat something.

How Much Fuel Do You Need?

I would recommend that if you are out on a long run, you take more fuel than you need. For example if I am running 16 mile, I will typically use a gel every 4 miles. Sometimes though I will need a gel sooner than 4 miles, depending on how I feel. I will typically carry 4 gels. Also, you will need enough water to last your entire run.

It took me a long time to figure out what works best for me. I have used many different types of gels and some just didn’t sustain me as long, or caused GI upset. It can take time to find a product that works well for you. Training cycles are several weeks, so use your training to figure out whats best for you. What are some products you like?

How to Fuel for Long Runs