
Virtual New Your City Marathon – Training Week 4

I decided to run a virtual marathon for several reasons. This year has been a crazy ride that is for sure. 2020 was going to be big for me. Big mileage that is. I had run the Rocky Raccoon 50 K in Huntsville, Texas in February and I knew that was just the start. Once I ran my first 50 K, I knew I could handle larger distances.

My plan prior to the pandemic, was to run the Cellcom Marathon as a training run for the 15.5 hour Titletown Ultra. My goal for the ultra was to test myself to see if I could hit 50 miles. If I hit that my plan was to sign up for a longer distance race in 2021, such as a 100 k. I had run the Titletown Ultra before and I know the course quite well.

Then came the race cancellations. To keep myself motivated I had signed up for some virtual runs, but that long distance was calling my name. I saw that the New York Marathon was offering a virtual option with the first 1,000 getting guaranteed entry. This really excited me, I mean who doesn’t want to run NYC Marathon! Well I never did get one of the coveted spots, but I had decided prior to signing up that I was going to do it no matter what.

So, I am all signed up and ready to run a virtual marathon. I was looking at running training plans and chose the Hal Higdon Novice 2 plan. The date I plan to race puts me at week 4 of the plan. I will use the mileage in the plan as a guide, and modify as needed. I have already been increasing my mileage, since I am still finishing up the Midwest Coyote Summer Challenge. This fit in perfectly where I am at distance wise.

Week 4 of the Training Plan

Strength Training

I did two days of strength training this week. Resistance bands are my favorite. I find I can even add this in if I am short on time in the morning, while getting ready for work. I also like to do some core work such at planks and Russian Twists.

Cross Training

I love to bike, but this week I decided to try some yoga instead. Yoga is perfect for a runner, as it combines strength and flexibility. Yoga helps me with mental clarity, and I needed it this week.


I had been doing speed work prior to marathon training, so I feel like this one I can PR for sure. I have been running very strong the last several months. So, I feel like this is my race!

The plan called to run two 3 mile runs at conversation pace, 6 miles at race pace and an 11 mile long run. The 6 mile run I split into two runs one in the morning, and one in the afternoon.

The Long Run

I planned to run my long run on Saturday. We were spending the weekend at out place in northern Wisconsin. I woke up to down pouring rain, so I had to wait to start running until 10:30 am. Even though I do not like to get up early, I run the best in the morning.

I was not feeling it I have to admit. Typically when I am up north, I will run the same route. I decided since I was in a funk I would shake things up.

The Perfect Route

I will purposely add hills into my long runs to prepare for race day. Hills build endurance and there are plenty of hills in this section of Wisconsin. I decided to run around Lake Emily, past Little Lake Emily and then down to Sea Lion Lake. The route had some big hills with 568 feet of elevation gain.

Picture of a road
Bring on the Hills!!

The route was amazing. Since it had rained it was very humid, but that didn’t bother me the route was exactly what I needed. Big hills and lake views! I stopped to talk to an older man who was making chicken booyah in the park. You could smell it as I was coming into Lake Emily Park. Luckily I only had a few more miles. The smell of the booyah was making me hungry.

Lake Emily
Lake Emily

As I ran out of the park by Lake Emily, I ran by Little Lake Emily. I met another runner. We chatted for a bit before I continued on. I love meeting new people, and its always fun to talk to another runner.

Little Lake Emily
Little Lake Emily

My dog Lucy was running with me, I wasn’t sure how long she would make it so I took it very slow. I took a few short walk breaks to give her water. It worked out great stopping to talk to people, as she needed the break.

Last stop Sea Lion Lake. Despite the overcast skies, there is something about the north woods. It was an amazing 11 miles. I will definitely run this route again.

The Training to be Continued

Follow along with me while I run and train for the NYC Virtual Marathon. I will focus on my race progress at intervals during my training. Staying injury free and healthy will be key to keeping me on track with training. What are your race plans looking like? Are you running any virtual races?

Woman with a dog
Lucille and I after our 11 mile run!