
Reasons Why Running is Better with Friends

Are you a solo runner? There are many reasons why running is better with friends. Time to give it a try!

1. Safety

Ever hear of safety in numbers. As a woman when you are running, safety is always on the back of your mind. I have had moments myself that I did not feel safe. A survey done by Runner’s World found that 84% of women reported having been harassed to some degree while on a run. You are less likely to run into trouble when running with a friend.

2. You Can Talk All You Want About Running

Let’s face it your family is not always excited about talking about running. Especially if they are not runners. They often don’t understand why you do what you do. A good running friend will let you talk endlessly about your goals, future races or running struggles.

3. You Can Find Others to Run Races With

Always going to races alone? If you find some running friends, chances are you will be running some of the same races together. You may find that you end up training with them for the same race, which is a nice bonus.

Running trail with women
Hot, Humid and Hilly – Titletown Ultra

4. You Find Others With Similar Interests

It is great to find friends with things in common. As a runner, running is part of who I am. I love trail running, and it keeps you safely distanced apart. Many trails are single track, so you need to run apart from each other. Perfect right! I was lucky to find good running friends that loves to trail run too. We are always excited to run a new trail! Love to run with you dog? Find a human running friend that runs with her dog too, and all four of you can head out on the trail.

Two Women Standing
Trail Runners!

5. Socialization

As a mom, it’s hard to make new friends. Most women are busy, but find that friend that loves to run and you both will carve out some time to hang out. Runs don’t need to be long, sometimes 30 minutes is just enough time to catch up. Sometimes that short run is all the time you both have. Running friends see you through the good, the bad and everything in between.

Two Women Standing
We Never Run Out of Things to Say!

6. Distraction on a Long Run

Some long runs are hard. When you are running with friends, you are distracted by the conversation and you don’t notice the difficulty as much. Also when you are running and talking to your running buddy, you lose track of time and those miles fly by.

8. Keep Your Pace in Check

Do you have hard time keeping a slower pace for your long runs. Running with someone else can help keep your pace in check. They can remind you to slow down a bit. At the same time, if you are running speed work they can help you hold your pace.

9. Meet New People

I love to meet new people. There is something you can learn from everyone you meet. I am never at a loss for words, so meeting new people is easy for me. Unsure of what to say to a new person you meet for a run? Every runner loves to talk about running. I like to ask questions, like when did you start running and then go from there.

10. Motivation

I have a hard time getting up in the morning to go for a run. There have been times where I missed out, because I wanted to sleep in on a Saturday. If you have plans to meet someone you will be more inclined to keep those plans, and get your run in. Also, being around other inspirational runners will motivate you to dream and in turn achieve bigger goals.

Where to Find Running Friends

The best place to find running friends is through a local running club. A few years ago I joined the Green Bay chapter of She Runs This Town. I was looking for other women to run with and meet new people. I have made several friends through this group. It is a very inspiring, positive and motivational group. Another nationwide running group is Road Runners Club of America. The Road Runners Club of America website has a tool to find a local chapter.

She Runs This Town

The She Runs This Town running group is nation wide running club for women. The group has scheduled events that you can sign up to attend. Most times the pace is listed in the event also. This is great to find someone of a similar pace to run with. Although many of the events right now have been altered to allow social distancing, you can still find a friend to run with.

Two Women Standing
Christmas Party – She Runs This Town

The She Runs This Town website has a chapter locator. I have used the chapter locator to find others to run with, when I am out of state on vacation. If you are out of town, I highly recommend joining the Facebook group, so you can at least ask for advice on local trails to run.

Our local Green Bay chapter has had many family friendly events also. I have been to a speed work event at a local track while the kiddos play in the center. I have attended group runs around the football field at the Titletown District, while the kids played in the playground.

The group also hosted an winter running event for the entire family. We got to enjoy get a hot chocolate after our run. I can’t think of a better way to end a winter run than with a hot chocolate. These events not only let me hang out with my adult friends, but it sets a great example of the importance of physical fitness for my daughter.

Group of people
Winter Family Running Event – She Runs This Town

Still Unsure

Trust me, give it a try. There are many reasons why running is better with friends. There is nothing a runner enjoys more than the feeling you get after a run, and then add in great conversation and you won’t want to run alone again!

Reasons Why Running is Better with Friends