
10 Running Resolutions to Make This Year Your Best Year Yet!

Ever set a New Years resolution and fall short. Your not the only one! This year try set some running resolutions and stick to them.

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Setting Resolutions

I like to start out by looking at what I want in the year ahead. Each year I like to set my race goals for the year. Since 2020 in person races were mostly cancelled, I focused on virtual races. I was still able to crush some big goals. For 2021, I have chosen a few races I would like to run. I then factor in the training I will need to reach that goal.

This is where my running resolutions come into play. I like to set some resolutions for the things I found challenging in the past year. For me this was strength training. This year I plan to focus more on this. Below is a list of running resolutions that any runner can accomplish!

Running Resolutions for All Runners

  1. Resolve to test your limits. Set a race goal and crush that goal. Is your goal to run a 5k or a marathon? Are you wanting to PR a half marathon. It takes work but you can do it.
  2. Resolve to stick to a strength training routine. Not only will this prevent injuries but make you a better runner. This one is definitely high on my list!
  3. Resolve to try something new. Have your ever tried trail running? Go out and find a new trail. Have you never tried yoga as part of your cross training? Give it a whirl. Not only will it give you better balance when running on a technical trail, but it will help with flexibility and strength.Running trail
  4. Resolve to stop comparing yourself to other runners. Your not that runner. Anyone that is out there running is a runner.
  5. Resolve to celebrate others successes. Your BRF just crushed a half marathon. Bring on the cheering squad. Chances are they will return the favor.
  6. Resolve trust your abilities. Know that you can achieve your goals!
  7. Resolve to understand that not all days are going to be your best. If you have a bad run, know that the next one will be better.
  8. Resolve to get enough sleep. As your miles increase in your training plan, you need extra sleep to succeed.
  9. Resolve to appreciate what you are accomplishing. While most people are sitting on the couch, your out there killing it. Whether you finished a 5k or 10k, you finished! Running is something we are lucky enough to be able to do so celebrate it.
  10. Resolve to have fun. Sometimes it is hard to have fun when a run goes south. Not every run will be the same, but if your bored with the same old same old do something different. I run because I love it. Sometimes, to keep things fresh and fun you need to shake things up. Change up your route, bring a friend and you’ll be sure to be laughing the next few miles.race sign

Keeping the Resolutions

Set reasonable and realistic goals. I like to write them down. Seeing my resolutions on paper makes them real. If I wrote it down, then I will have to do it. I also like to hang them up somewhere, so that I will see them everyday.

Don’t ever give up. Just because you got off track or missed a day or two doesn’t mean you won’t succeed. Life has a way of creeping in sometimes, but just keep at it and you will succeed.

Get your friends involved. Encourage a friend to sign up for a race with you. Set up days you can run together. Running is always better with friends. This will also help you stay focused on your resolution.

I am always interested in other runners goals for the year. What are your New Years resolutions? How are you sticking to those resolutions?

10 Running Resolutions to Make This Year Your Best Year Yet!