Books and Movies

Book Review: Running Your First Ultra by Krissy Moehl


Are you thinking of running your first ultra? Not sure where to start when finding a training plan. My recommendation go to the experts.

The book focuses on all aspects of an ultra from strength training exercises, training plans to injury prevention. This is the book I used when I ran the Rocky Racoon 50 k.

About the Author

Krissy Moehl is an elite ultra runner, coach, race director and a public speaker. She has a long list of impressive wins including two races, as the overall winner and 55 female wins. She can also claim the first female winner at some of the most difficult ultra races including; Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc 165km, Ultra Trail du Mont Fuji 100 mile, HURT 100 and Hardrock 100.

Choosing the Distance and the Race

The first chapters discuss how to pick the distance and the race that best suites you. This is broken down quite well to help you decide. There is a series of question, that help you determine what distance will work best for you.

When running an ultra, there are several things to consider to determine what type of race is best for you. For example picking a mountain race, but not ever being able to train in elevation may not be the best idea. The book helps to break it down making it easier to choose the best race.

Self Care

There are several chapters that focus on self care during training and the race. The book provides several tips from body care to preventing issues with your feet. There is also information on injury management, hydration, recovery, and strength training.

The information on power hiking and night running were especially helpful, as new ultra runner. Ultra running is much different than road running, so these tips from a seasoned runner definitely have come in handy.

The book also discusses mental training. There are several well defined tips on how to manage the race. The book walks you through several race day scenarios, such as a DNF and how to handle it.

Training Plans

The training plans included in the book are for 50 k, 50 m or 100 k, and 100 m races. The plans vary in length from 24 to 48 weeks. The plans are laid out well and easy to follow. I used the 50 k training plan for my last race. The plans incorporate recovery weeks intermittently throughout, which after doing back to back long runs you will need it.

woman standing by sign
Rocky Racoon 50 k

Final Thoughts

This is an excellent book if you are looking to run an ultra. It breaks down everything you will need to run an ultra from clothing to training and everything in between. The training plans are easy to follow and really work. During training for the Rocky Raccoon, I read this book several times and will read again for my next race! Looking for other books to read, check out my review of North by Scott Jurek.

Book Review: Running Your First Ultra by Krissy Moehl